Thurtell Family Spreadsheet
Last Update - Date: 10/25/2016
Current file name: thurtellspreadsheet_20161025-.xls

To download and save the spreadsheet
to your computer
Left-Click . . . then select "Save-As".
* Click to Download Thurtell Spreadsheet *>

NOTE 1: When you open the spreadsheet, you may have to "Enable EDITING". If so, enable editing then re-save the spreadsheet.
NOTE 2: I will need your help in order to keep this spreadsheet accurate and up-to-date.
If you see any information for your family that is either missing and/or incorrect, please email me with the new and/or correct information.
NOTE 3: The spreadsheet is in Microsoft Office Excel (xls) format.
NOTE 4: If you have any difficulty downloading the spreadsheet, please contact me.
Send email to: Billy Barnett